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A life of whimsey

Rosa Veldkamp
Nov 11, 20211 min read
When is a cup of tea more than just a cup of tea? (day 8)
I love a hot cup of tea. When that cup of tea is in the perfect mug, gifted by a dear friend who knows what makes the perfect mug for me,...

Rosa Veldkamp
Nov 10, 20211 min read
Celebrating 37 years… (day 7)
Yesterday was our anniversary. I had planned a nice sentimental post, talking about what it’s like to be married for 37 years, but all I...

Rosa Veldkamp
Jan 9, 20172 min read
Monday Morning Musings . . . I am a Sensible. Sober, Down to Earth Woman.
It’s days like these when I know that, as many mistakes as I made over the years, I still must have done something right. I mean if your...

Rosa Veldkamp
Dec 19, 20142 min read
The Truth about Young Kids and Photo Shoots.
Late this fall I decided I wanted to get in one last photo shoot before the snow flew. I wanted something different for this one though ....

Rosa Veldkamp
Dec 3, 20142 min read
Morgan and Kim’s Wedding
It’s been nearly a month since the wedding, and long past time to share Morgan and Kim’s special day. It’s an odd thing. I hadn’t really...

Rosa Veldkamp
Oct 17, 20141 min read
Relearning an Old Lesson. For the Umpteenth Time.
Things have been pretty busy around my house for the past several months. I’m starting to hate the word busy. I use it like it’s a good...

Rosa Veldkamp
Oct 10, 20141 min read
A Joyful Princess
The other day I had my niece Clara, and her three brothers, out at a local park for one last photo shoot before the snow falls. (because...

Rosa Veldkamp
Oct 6, 20141 min read
Weddings. Trying on the dress.
Things are getting exciting over here as we start the countdown to Morgan and Kim’s wedding day. 31 more sleeps! A few months ago we all...

Rosa Veldkamp
Sep 29, 20144 min read
DIY Wedding Flowers
Several months back, my cousin Leona asked me if I’d be interested in doing the flowers for her son Scott’s wedding. I was pretty...

Rosa Veldkamp
Aug 19, 20142 min read
Photographing Kids
Photographing kids is not something I’ve done a lot of when you consider I have four grown up kids of my own. When my kids were young...
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