It's the depths of winter here on the Canadian prairies. Lots of snow and bone chilling cold temps.
January and February are often bluish months for me. For years I've combatted this by snuggling under a warm throw, with a huge stack of gardening books piled up beside me, planning for the upcoming gardening season.
By the beginning of March seed trays start filling up and the next few months find me babying my tiny plants and squealing over every flower that opens. That's the best way I know to get through the cold and mud we Edmontonians live with through the end of April. (Or May . . . sometimes it lasts through May too . . .)
But . . . My garden's matured in the past couple of years. Very little planning is needed these days and there's not much room for new plants either.
So what's a girl to do when she need a little green?
Create a little garden art of course!
I took this picture late last spring. It's a pretty, quick growing, weedy vine that pops up every spring in the garden bed under the kitchen window. I can never bring myself to pull it out right away. If I was a proper, tidy gardener I would but the flowers are so pretty that I always wait until they are done. Of course by then they've smothered half the garden bed but . . . ah well, I never said I was a proper tidy gardener . .
A little play in Photoshop and . . . garden art!
I feel much better now.
Of course, all the pretty flowering plants that jumped into my cart at Rona this afternoon are helping too, but . . . that's a story for another day.