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Seedling update

Since I didn’t post yesterday (something I didn’t realize until I was in bed last night!) I thought I’d throw in an extra one today.

So. . . without further ado. . .

Let’s see what’s happening to all the plants at my house. . .

As you can see my second amaryllis is growing like crazy. It should start blooming soon.

The amaryllis that Jesse bought me has sent out a third stem! Please don’t look too closely at the way I rigged up support for the stems. It’s looking very Christmasy I know, but I couldn’t find my bamboo stakes and Henry refused to stay and hold them until they had finished flowering. (Inconsiderate of him wasn’t it?)

Now here’s a nice surprise! It looks like my cuttings decide to be nice to me and grow some new roots. Let’s hope I can get them planted before they tangle together again.

Here we have plants under the domes as we wait for germination.

Sucess in tray one! The pansies are up. How about tray two. . .?

Not much happening here. It looks like the rudbeckia ‘Goldsterm’ may very well have been old seed as Tamara had mentioned in the comments. I know the echinecia ‘Luster hybrids’ were old seed. . .

But a few are starting to pop up. Yeah!

Here are the little seedlings that were up earlier. Coming right along.

It may be winter outside, but the promise of spring is growing in here!

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