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It’s total chaos around here lately. We’ve had granite tile put in the kitchen as a back splash ( free leftover tile and flooring is a real perk when it comes to being in the flooring business!) We were also blessed with some vinyl plank flooring which Morgan and his friend Brad put in to Jesse’s room as well as the computer room last weekend. This meant that everything had to come out of the computer room and is littered all over the house. To top it all off, Henry decided that things needed rearranging in the living room and the kitchen, which in turn affected the computer room. Arghh! It’s all driving me crazy! Henry moved stuff around to suit him and then looked at me full of pride with the awesomeness of the new arrangement. I, on the other hand looked at it with disbelief and wondered what he was thinking! Thankfully our friend and neighbour Theresa dropped by with her dog Diesel. She is a woman of excellent taste. So at least the living room looks pretty good now. Sigh. . . . I’ll keep you posted. Who knows, I may shock myself and post pictures too. . .

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