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Contest Time!

Well, as promised here are the details for my contest.

In the comment section tell us one random thing about yourself and that you would like to enter the contest.

My friend Brenda over at the brendablog has mentioned that she has been unable to comment on some blogs that use blogger so. . . if any of you run into that problem you can email me your entry at .

Now of course you are probably all wondering what the prize might be!

So here it is. . . My friends Loretta and Jurrina have just opened their Etsy store rubitin and sell the most amazing soaps and hand creams.

So. . .

Browse their shop and the winner will receive $20 worth of their product.

As none of us is at all techno savvy we have no idea how to do coupons etc. I will be purchasing the products directly from them and then sending it to you myself.

You have until Saturday night at midnight to enter.

One entry per person please.

The winner will be announced on Monday which is a bit before my 100Th post but I’d like to send it out before I go.

Good luck!

[ Edit. I realized, while walking Jada, that I had forgotten to tell you how the winner would be chosen. I thought I would stick to the tried and true, so, all entries will go into a hat (my garden hat!) and, while blindfolded, I will chose the winner!]

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