Last year I convinced my kids to carve some pumpkins for me by telling them I found it to0 difficult to carve one myself with the arthritis in my hands. ( Some times a mom has to be a little sneaky when trying to get mostly grown kids to do something crafty!) I tried to make it more interesting by showing them some new carving methods on Martha’s website.
They were reluctant at first, but after some subtly applied guilt, became very interested, finding patterns on other sites that appealed to them more. Their pumpkins turned out great.
I had pictures of this year’s pumpkin carving evening but my camera somehow managed to erase three days worth of pictures and those were included!
No guilt was needed this year as they were all gung ho. Morgan’s girlfriend Sarah made one as well. I got the pumpkins from Superstore for $1.97 each so buying four came in under $10. The pumpkins were very moist and did a whole lot of dripping as they carved but they had a great time anyway. They started at about eight in the evening and I’m told finished at two in the morning! Sarah obviously enjoyed herself because when I got up the next morning I found a paper poking out of the top of her pumpkin which said: My pumpkin Rocks! Sarah. They didn’t hold up as well as last year because of all the moisture but were still more or less intact for Halloween. I love it when My kids are crafty!

The whole gang.