It’s Tamara’s birthday today and I’m really wishing I could be there to share it with her.
I’m missing my sister Lisa as well and I’m a little jealous that she will be able to share Tam’s birthday with her!
Yet, when I look at all that’s going on in the world today, I know how richly blessed we are to be able to blog about each other, to say Happy Birthday over the phone and to remember all the good times we’ve had.
So with that thought, I scanned a few pictures to share with you all in a stroll down memory lane. . .
How cute is that baby?!
A memorable trip to Vancouver Island with all the Aunts, Uncles and cousins, courtesy of Opa and Oma Vandermolen, brought us here to the steps of the museum in Victoria. Any one else remember the ferry ride and singing for the passengers at the front of the boat? (The Captain was so impressed that Opa would pay to bring all his children and grandchildren on this trip that he gave us the ride back for free!)
We had great imaginations and loved to pretend with what ever was at hand. Anyone know which blondie is Tamara?
As you can see, we had no problems using items for more than one purpose. This was my idea of an artistic background, which I used for several people when I got my first camera.
The three of us used to sing together and our mom never hesitated in volunteering our services to others. Here we are singing at some stranger’s wedding. Remind you of any mom you know Tam???
Yes Tamara was alive during the era of glasses big enough to cover your entire face. I will of course, not divulge what her exact age is today as that would be breaking the sisterly code!
Tamara and the Big Guy’s wedding took place on one of the hottest days in history. (Okay maybe it just felt like it!) I remember her beautiful little petite fours melting into a puddle on the plate at the reception. I also recall being horrified when my husband Henry decided on a whim to add to the entertainment and went out to the car and dressed up in full fly fishing regalia and wandered up on stage to tell a rambling tale of fishing with Tamara. I don’t know how it ended as I was so mortified that I hid in the bathroom until it was all over! But we did enjoy a lovely interlude between the ceremony and dinner as Tam entertained Crystal with the piano.
As the kids joined our families, we tried very hard to spend Christmases together as often as we could and there was always something interesting going on. This particular Christmas, we had decided to continue a tradition our dad had started back when we were kids and he decorated gingerbread houses at his bakery. As I recall we loaded our creations down with lots of smarties. Yum!!
Our big brood many years ago.
Last year we got the chance to share an adventure in China, (was it only last year?!)
and we shared my birthday while we were there.
Life really is amazing isn’t it?
Happy, Happy Birthday Tam!
I pray that God will bless you richly in the year ahead.