I’m pleased to report. . .
Drunken stagger wore off fairly quickly. . .
There was no tongue dragging or drooling. . .
I only threw up once. . .
On a scale of zero to ten with zero being no pain and ten being excruciating, I would say my pain is hovering between zero to one. . .
All the staff at the Misericordia hospital were just lovely. . .
Nicole brought over a fabulous turkey pot pie which, although I can’t eat today, smells delicious. . .
Holly made me white cheddar macaroni instead. . .
Crystal and Holly brought home a very large, beautiful flower arrangement. There are flowers to brighten nearly every room in the house. . .
And best of all. . .
The surgeon said I will likely be able to get back to a mostly normal routine in a week or two, not the six weeks I had been told!!!
Whoo hoo!
I’ll be back to getting ready for our open house sale in no time! Although the kids have threatened to sit on me if I overdo things so. . . We’ll see how things go.
Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers. So far so good!
We are hoping to get the results in the next two weeks. . .
And because the theme of this month’s challenge was Beauty in the Everyday, (although things can’t get a whole lot more beautiful than they are right now. . .)
A picture. . .

I’ve been using this as my screensaver. . . feel free to do the same!