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Writer's pictureRosa Veldkamp

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programing . . .

Updated: May 14, 2020


Some how, even though you’ve had your birthday party and know in your head just how old you are, you never really believe that you, yes you, really are, middle aged.

I certainly don’t feel as though I’m any older than, say, 35 . . .

Which means, even though you had fully intended to get the shingles vaccine when you turned 50, and your 50th birthday came and went . . . in your heart you’re still in your 30s and there’s lots of time for vaccines . . .

Self delusion has it’s price. In my case that price turned out to be a nasty case of shingles.

I’m in week 4 now. The huge stacks of books beside my chair have gotten shorter and shorter over those weeks. Henry has been beyond sweet about my inability to get any thing done. As a matter of fact, he even went so far as to recruit Jesse to help him wash the sink loads of dishes that had been piling up. Something that disturbed Jesse so much (“Mom, dad did the dishes with me and it was just, so . . . weird . . .”) that he resolved to keep the kitchen clean so it never happened again. (To bad that resolve didn’t stick . . .)

I’m on new medication that seems to be helping a lot more and the doctor figures this shouldn’t last longer another three weeks. (although he made no promises.)

It’s been an interesting, albeit painful, time. I’m being told once again to slow down. Once again I wonder why I seem to be such a slow learner in this area of my life . . .

I don’t have the answer. I get the lesson, slow right down and then, before I know it, I’m whizzing along at top speed again.

So, as a way to try and let this lesson sink in a little deeper, and to make a concerted effort to take life at a slower pace and savour each small thing that comes my way, I’ve signed up for another still photography class with Kim Klassen called My Still Sunday. I was inspired to take it after I read her beautiful blog post here.

I love still photography. Everything about it makes me happy and November 8th can’t come soon enough.

In the mean time lesson 20 in my Photoshop Artistry Awake class just went live. I love, love, love this class. Our teacher is an awesome, generous and inspiring man and my classmates are as well. My friend and class accountability partner, Sharon, is the loveliest woman. She encourages me, teaches me and reminds me that things happen in God’s time and according to His plan. How wonderful is that?!

The lovely digital art card you see at the top of the page was made for me by Sharon. Isn’t it beautiful? And I wonder . . . am I the only one has so much trouble learning these life lessons? (I sure hope not .) Or do you too find yourself learning the same lessons over and over . . . I’d love to hear your story.

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